Category: news


maeander forexExpo: How do exhibition stand builders design your booth?

Exhibition stand builders play a significant part in designing your exhibition stand. They not only design but also understand your objective and aim of participating in the trade fairs. Here are the steps that exhibition stand builders consider when designing your booth. Understand your purpose and develop the conceptProfessional Exhibition stand designers will always understand your aim to ensure that your stand is best suited to your goals and objectives and makes a remarkable impact on the show day. You stand design ideas will be based on the floor space, budget and your stand location in the exhibition hall. The graphics and equipment is also decided in accordance with your stand location. Whether it’s a local trade fair or an...


What is an exhibition stand? Booth design and construction purpose

By definition, an exhibition stand simply means a well-designed structure used by brands in exhibitions to showcase their products and services. Sounds simple, right? Well, it’s not as simple as you think. An attractive and well-though-of exhibition stand is always designed by experts, meaning exhibition stand builders. These exhibition stand designs are constructed in such a way that it allows businesses to represent their products and services in the most professional and appealing way. It’s a platform where sales professionals can give their customers a detailed insight into their products and services. These exhibition booths are designed in a way that brands to communicate and demonstrate their products and services in the most convenient manner, which eventually leads to more...

Fazzaco Expo Dubai Concludes with Remarkable Achievements 0

Fazzaco Expo Dubai Concludes with Remarkable Achievements

The 2-day event, which took place at Festival Arena, Festival City, Dubai on Oct 12-13, has drawn to a successful conclusion and brought together thousands of visitors across the forex, crypto, and fintech industries who were all impressed by the grand displays, lucky draw activities, and non-stop lectures. Fazzaco Expo Dubai featured 50+ top-flight exhibitors, whose support and commitment brought the event to life. The Expo offered free access to the public and organized grand lucky draw, pre-party, award ceremony, and thought-provoking seminars, giving all attendees an intimate and unmatched experience. The event was widely praised among exhibitors.

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